Nippon Kodo - morning star - Rose

Nippon Kodo – Morning Star – Rose

At the end of 2023 got hold of a small bundle of Japanese incense sticks for cheap on Kleinanzeigen and these Morning Star – Rose were one of them. A box of these usually costs €5-6 and contains 50 sticks, plus a small ceramic tile as a holder, which unfortunately was no longer included here.

I had already received samples from this line in 2022 and wasn’t particularly impressed (except of the Green Tea variety).
Usually, I take my time with reviews, thought the one time I burned Rose made me doubt that I can muster the will to delve further into those.
The smell of Rose is overwhelmingly sweet. It’s recognizable as rose scent, but it smells very synthetic. Additionally, these incense sticks contain a smell that reminds me of toilet air fresheners.

So, at least for my nose, Morning Star – Rose are absolutely terrible and not recommended.

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