Ramakrishna’s vs. Milo’s Temple: Sandalwood
In March 2023, I received a single stick sample of both Ramakrishna’s Sandalwood and Milo’s Temple – Sandalwood from Steve Pereira.
Ramakrishna’s Sandalwood
Ramakrishna’s are only rarely available in Germany, but there are probably some brands under which these sticks are rebranded. Steve is even convinced that Ramakrishna’s themselves are just resellers and don’t manufacture the sticks themselves.
The best way to buy Ramakrishna’s is through GoaBay, but there’s also a US-based eBay shop, although it’s quite expensive.
Sandalwood has a pleasant, distinctly woody scent that occasionally reminds me of the warm smell of pinewood. A good portion of the milky softness and sweetness typical of white sandalwood is also present. The scent seems balanced, rounded, and natural. In some ways, they are similar to Shroff – Ture Sandal, although these are Dry Masala.
I find the scent pleasantly soft, warm, and not too strong.
Milo’s Temple – Sandalwood
Milo’s Temple is a UK-based Etsy shop. You can buy 5x 20g for £27 (about €40). There’s also an option to choose five different varieties from the current range. Shipping to Germany costs €13.
This Sandalwood is quite similar to Ramakrishna’s, though not exactly the same.
With this stick, the woody aspect is a little less pronounced and doesn’t remind me of pinewood. On the other hand, there appears to be a bit more of the sandalwood sweetness. Ramakrishna’s feels a little softer or creamier in comparison.
Milo’s Temple – Sandalwood also seems to have a slightly darker scent, which reminds me a bit of Vijayshree – Nag Chandan, though without the fairly intense vanillin sweetness.

Above: Milo’s Temple – Sandalwood
Below: Ramakrishna’s Sandalwood
Although the two sticks look different, I find it possible that both come from the same manufacturer. Their scents are similar enough that the difference could be explained by batch variations.
I find both very pleasant and worthy of consideration. When purchasing, the deciding factor will be which brand is easier to get hold of for you.