Vijayshree - Golden Nag Temple

Vijayshree – Golden Nag Temple

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Mit diesen habe ich mir sehr schwergetan. Ich konnte den Geruch anfangs nicht recht einordnen. Sie haben keinen beinahe klassischen Parfümgeruch, ohne dass ich sie als “parfümig” empfinde.
Empfohlen wurden sie in einem Reddit Kommentar als gutes Beispiel für frische, grüne, nicht süße Gerüche. – Das trifft auch zu, aber irgendwie anders als ich erwartet hatte.
Im Prinzip sind sie ein Chypre Akkord in Räucherstäbchen verpackt. Eher dunkel (zu viel Eichenmoos – mal wieder) und grün auf eine herbe Weise, mit ein Paar Zitrusnoten, die es etwas ausbalancieren, aber so ganz rund finde ich es nicht.
Laut Ephra World enthalten sie Kampfer, den kann ich aber nicht finden.
Sie sind im Vergleich zu Tree of Life von Goloka oder Nandita – Wood Spice nicht wirklich aufdringlich. Direkt verglichen habe ich sie aber noch nicht. Ich denke, gegen andere Räucherstäbchen dieser Marke sind sie auch etwas weniger kräftig. (Schwach keineswegs.)

Für jemanden, der Eichenmoos mag, ist diese Komposition vermutlich empfehlenswert. Bei mir bekommen sie leider nur die Wertung 2,3.

Wieder hervorgeholt habe ich sie heute übrigens nur, weil ich mein Sample von Yoga (Mother’s Fragrances) ausprobiert habe. Die haben für mich auch einen unverkennbaren Chypre Charakter (was mit Eichenmoos, Patchouli, Sandelholz und Vetiver auch nicht verwunderlich ist) und darüber sind mir Nag Temple wieder eingefallen. Verglichen zu Mother’s haben sie beinahe den Charme von Tankstellenparfüm. Aber dazu ein anderes Mal mehr.

6 thoughts on “Vijayshree – Golden Nag Temple

  1. I like the idea of linking.

    Should we cross link all the incenses we have both reviewed? I’d find that useful, and I’m sure others would as well.

    I like when others put their views in comments after my review. The more people share opinions, the more that others will start to get a general picture of an incense. One view is not enough. And I know that I can change my own views, sometimes quite dramatically, depending on mood, environment, and circumstances. Sometimes a comment by someone else will make me focus on something I may have missed.

    1. I linked a number of your reviews if I was aware there is one. Especially for reviews where our perceptions differed a lot, and for the stuff you sent me samples of.
      I sometimes put the link to my review in the URL line when commenting on your blog.
      Feel free to link to my reviews whenever you feel like it. I totally agree that one view is not enough! Oh, and of course you can put in links to yours, on here in the comments. 🙂

  2. I think that’s a good idea. My problem is that I get an interest, and want to follow up on it immediately. The problem then, is that I order stuff, but meantime something else has caught my attention, and I shoot off after other incense. All too often the incense I was originally interested in gets forgotten in the backlog.

    But I’m being really good right now, and working on certain backlogs, as well as clearing my desk, and sorting out my incense collection into some semblance of order. I’m also being very strict on clearing away some already sampled incenses. I used to do that, but for the past few years I have been keeping stocks so I can go back and do comparisons. I have to recognise that I don’t have the space to do that any longer, nor the organised mind to make stocking a viable activity. I will keep, where appropriate, stock of incense I have scored highly, or highly regarded incense I have scored low, so I can go back and reassess. But ordinary everyday incense, be it perfumed or masala, will be fed to the cats in bulk.

    1. Yeah, I’m like that too. But that’s another reason why I like the spreadsheet.

      I love to do comparisons, but having to keep everything to be able to compare is a problem. It’s really frustrating if I get something new and find it similar(ish) to something I know and that find that I have used that other incense up or gave it away.
      There are some certain ones I like, that I anyway keep in stock and like to use as a reference for a certain type of scent, like Goloka Nagchampa or Parimal Yatra.
      I have not used up Balaji – Red, so I can compare it. I still have not found a name for the special note I pick up in them (and a selection of other incense sticks).
      But overall, it’s a “what’s gone is gone” mentality regarding ordinary stuff.

      Aren’t you worried it’s bad for the Cat’s health if you expose them to that much smoke?

  3. I’ve just reviewed these. Came here to see if you had also reviewed them, and noted the comment about Ephra World. I agree that there doesn’t appear to be camphor in the scent. But I was curious about Ephra World, so had a look. Oh dear. I ended up buying stuff! I already have more incense that I know what to do with, with more being sent to me. But they have so many temptations…….

    1. Yes, I already have read it. 🙂 Let me put a link, so readers can compare. I love comparing reviews and see where the similarities and differences in perception are…
      I reviewed a lot of Vijayshree and I recommend them regularly on r/incense to newcomers looking for good, broadly available Indian incense. Totally underrated brand.

      I know your pain, lol. I’m on a good way to build up a backlog like yours – only thing that holds me back (thankfully) is being on a budget. ‘:D
      I plan my purchases, using an Excel spreadsheet. If I find something interesting, it’s added, with a column for the price and an additional column right to it, where I put what I want to purchase next, and it will calculate the total.
      That’s also good to control impulse-purchases – most of the time, adding it to the list is enough. 😉

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