Holy Smokes – Feng Shui – Führung
Here‘s the main article about the Feng Shui line.
I bought this roll on Kleinanzeigen, along with some others from the Feng Shui line. Some of the packs still had a label with the original price of €4.20. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find out where they were bought; I haven’t seen them for such a low price anywhere else. Usually, a pack from the Feng Shui line costs between €5 and €7. A roll contains 20g, though there’d definitely room for more sticks.
By chance, I got two different tubes of Führung, which differ slightly in design and appearance of the sticks, but smell almost identical. The stick with the uncoloured bamboo core comes from the pack in the title picture.

Ingredients: Camphor, lemon, cinnamon
In terms of scent, Führung is the weakest in the line for me. I can vaguely detect a hint of camphor in the packaging of the newer one, but there’s no trace of it in the burning sticks. The volatile aroma of lemon also seems to have dissipated. What remains is a slightly spicy, warm woody smoke smell. Not unpleasant, but not much more than that.
I can imagine that Führung smells better when they are really fresh. This variety just doesn’t seem to store well. The other varieties have an advantage over them in this regard.