Koya’s – Oudh
I received a stick of Koya’s Oudh along with 4 other varieties from the brand from Steve. His review dates back to the end of 2021, which means the sample is now at least 2.5 years old.
Steve received the sticks as samples from Koya’s. On their website, a box of 10 sticks costs about €1.70 (₹150).
Koya’s lists natural resins and gums, essential oils, and oudh chips as ingredients.
The raw stick smells almost a bit fruity, but it’s a rather indistinct, sweet scent.
When lighting it, there is no soot flame, though I know from others that this can occur with fresh sticks.
The scent is relatively light but pleasant. I find the oudh character very vague. The fragrance is sweet, rather floral, and comes across as perfume-like but definitely has a woody component.
Occasionally, a mild pipe tobacco note drifts my way, which is the only aspect of the scent that I perceive as oudh-like.
That being said, I like this scent.
I find Oudh to be soft, warm, and friendly. If I had bought a pack of it, I wouldn’t have been disappointed, but I’m not sure if I would repurchase it. Maybe for a reasonable price, though Koya’s is rare to find in Germany and if so, they are heavily overpriced.
Yes I liked this, but wouldn’t seek it out. Solid stuff, but it didn’t soar for me.