Holy Smokes – Feng Shui – Gesundheit
Here, you can read the main article about this line.
I bought this roll of Gesundheit [health] along with some others from this line on Kleinanzeigen. Some of the packages still had a label with the original price of €4.20. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find out where they were bought. I haven’t seen them anywhere else at such a low price. Usually, a pack of the Feng Shui line costs between 5 and 7 euros. There is 20g in a roll, but there’d be plenty of space for more.

Listed ingredients: Frankincense, cedarwood, vetiver, spikenard
Spikenard has the botanical name Nardostachys jatamasi. This root is the ingredient I can detect the most clearly in Gesundheit. It gives the scent a special softness and warmth, which reminds me of animal fur.
The scent has a natural sweetness that is very subtle and doesn’t make the fragrance seem sweetened in any way.
Gesundheit exude an incredibly soft, woody, slightly earthy, and mildly spicy-aromatic scent, which I find very cosy and calming.
I can’t detect the listed frankincense in the fragrance.
Gesundheit have a natural and rather mild aroma, with a woody-earthy, very soft fragrance profile.