Vijayshree – Golden Nag Champa
Another bargain from eBay-Kleinanzeigen. They usually cost around 10-20ct per stick.
Raw, Golden Nag Champa have some of the pungent, dry note that appears to be typical of frangipani incense, but much less than e.g. the Nagchampa by Goloka. They smell softer and more floral and remind me a bit of shampoo.
When lit, we have a classic Nag Champa scent here, but it still has its own character.
I smell frangipani, but that appears not to be the only floral note. The smell is very round, fruity and somehow fresh in the sense of humid. Juicy might be a good word for it. This is accompanied by a strong, slightly deeper base note of musk.
Overall, this composition is very lush and full-bodied. I find this scent to be extremely “exotic”, it gives me a beach holiday feeling – even though I’m not actually the type for that. 🙂
Rating: 3.9
Like you I also picked up frangipani, which is typical of a champa scent rather than a nag champa scent.
I have just amended my review of this incense. I’m now classing this as a champa rather than a nag champa. I think the “Nag” part of the name belongs to “Golden”, so if this were to be a nag champa scent it would be titled ” Vijayshree Golden Nag
Nag Champa”.
What are the most significant differences between Nag Champa and Champa in your eyes?