Vijayshree - Golden Nag Temple

Vijayshree – Golden Nag Temple

Another bargain from eBay-Kleinanzeigen.
I had a really hard time with these. At first, I couldn’t quite place the smell. They have an almost classic perfume smell without making me think of them as “perfumey”.
On Reddit, they were recommended as a good example of fresh, green, non-sweet smells. That’s true, but in a different way than I expected.
Basically, they are a chypre accord packaged in incense. Rather dark (too much oakmoss – again) and green in a tart way, with a few citrus notes that balance it out a bit, but I don’t find it quite rounded.
According to Ephra World, they contain camphor, but I can’t find it. They are not really intrusive
compared to Tree of Life by Goloka or Nandita – Wood Spice. But I haven’t compared them one on one yet. I think they are a little less powerful in comparison to other incense sticks from this brand. (But by no means weak.)

For someone who likes oakmoss, this composition is probably recommended. Unfortunately, for me, they only get a rating of 2.3.

By the way, I only brought it out again today because I tried my sample of Yoga (Mother’s Fragrances). For me, those also have an unmistakable chypre character (which is not surprising with oak moss, patchouli, sandalwood and vetiver) and that made me think of Nag Temple again. Compared to Mother’s, they almost have the charm of gas station perfume. But more on that another time.

2 thoughts on “Vijayshree – Golden Nag Temple

  1. I’m currently reviewing a Vijayshree (Mantra), and reflecting back on my experiences with the house. They are initially very seductive, and I have been fairly enthusiastic (albeit holding back on very high scores) – though a number of my early reviews have been quite skimpy and shallow. I simply swoon at the scent on the stick, and, like an infatuated Romeo, largely ignore how superficial and curiously “gas station perfume” they are on the burn.

    I scraped off the powder on one stick, and just burned the charcoal. There was no scent. It’s a charcoal punk, coated in wood powder, and then dipped in a perfume solution. Smells great on the stick. Less effective on the burn.

    I’m rethinking my initial enthusiasm for this brand.

    1. I scraped off the powder on one stick, and just burned the charcoal. There was no scent.

      Interesting. I shall do this experiment as well when I’m back home.

      I still like Champa, Mantra and Meditation and prefer Chandan over the one by Goloka.

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