Green Tree - Divine Eye

Green Tree – Divine Eye

This box comes from my Ephra World order from the end of 2022. It cost €1.45 and contains 15g, which in this case was 14 sticks. The burning time is approx. 45 minutes.
Steve (Incense in The Wind) received a sample from me, but hasn’t written a review yet. I’ll add the link later in case he does.

Divine Eye have a rather deep, woody base smell that I find quite appealing. As with some other Green Tree incense sticks, I also find a cosmetic touch in these. In the case of Devine Eye, however, it stays in the background and blends in quite well. The scent seems very powdery, and so I associate the cosmetic note with things like powder or eye shadow.

What is striking is that I perceived Divine Eye thoroughly differently throughout my different notes. Often I have noted the vaguely citrusy freshness that I have smelled as well in other Green Tree varieties and was reminded of Balaji – Red, as I did with Shambhala Path; on other days (like today) I didn’t notice anything the like. It is not unusual for my perception of some incense stick scents to change dramatically during the first few tries. However, with this pack (after using half of it) I am convinced that the smell of the sticks is inconsistent. With three of six sticks, a beguiling, sweet note appeared for a brief moment, which disappeared again less than a minute later. Only once or twice per stick. This leads me to believe that the ingredients were not mixed properly.

There is an old review by Reed’s Handmade Incense that speaks of a strong similarity to Gokula Flora, which I cannot relate to in any way. However, I once had the impression that I could smell the camphor mentioned there. After that, this specific incense stick actually began to remind me of Goloka – Vrindavan Flower instead, which again goes in an entirely different direction from everything mentioned here so far.
Based on how much the smell of Devine Eye seems to vary, it could very well be that another batch of it smelled like Gokula Flora.

I find Divine Eye enjoyable, no matter what side they are showing. It’s a pretty calm smell that’s easy to have in the background. But it’s not really that special, and the fluctuating scent is a little irritating. Overall, Devine Eye is still one of the better ones from Green Tree that I’ve tried.

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