One Year of Rauchfahne – Quo Vadis? So Rauchfahne is already a year old. Wow – that was quick! The categories are slowly filling and expanding.Some small… Continue reading “One Year of Rauchfahne – Quo Vadis?”…
Vijayshree – Golden Nag Forest I’ve had this pack lying around since last summer; bought on eBay-Kleinanzeigen. I’m a bit conflicted about the smell of Nag Forest.… Continue reading “Vijayshree – Golden Nag Forest”…
Jiri & Friends – Copal Cinnamon Jiri & Friends incense sticks cost between €8.50 and €9.95 per pack. One pack contains 15 incense sticks, approximately 15g.Ingredients: copal resin,… Continue reading “Jiri & Friends – Copal Cinnamon”…
Tulasi – Nag Champa Sandalwood I received 3 of these incense sticks as a gift last year. I was already familiar with the brand name Tulasi,… Continue reading “Tulasi – Nag Champa Sandalwood”…
Gallery of Fakes Fake incense sticks? – Yes, that’s a thing. At least some are clearly making an effort to… Continue reading “Gallery of Fakes”…
Satya (BNG and Mumbai) Let me say this right up front: Satya is a brand that I don’t get along well with.I got this bunch of… Continue reading “Satya (BNG and Mumbai)”…
Three times Cinnamon Once again I swapped samples with someone, and this time I got some rather special things. Incense sticks by Jiri… Continue reading “Three times Cinnamon”…
Holy Smokes – Blue Line: Assortment 3 “Loving Fantasies” [If you have already read one of the other Blue Line sampler reviews, you can jump straight to the last paragraph before… Continue reading “Holy Smokes – Blue Line: Assortment 3 “Loving Fantasies””…
Cycle Brand – Dasara I bought Dasara along with Yagna based on r/Incense recommendations.A pack costs €4.45 at Ephra – 14 sticks that weigh approx. 25g. Not only are… Continue reading “Cycle Brand – Dasara”…
Manmohak Oudh These incense sticks are commonly assigned to Cycle Brand, but actually Manmohak is the trademark, which, however, belongs like Cycle (and Flute) to N. Ranga Rao &… Continue reading “Manmohak Oudh”…
Making Your Own Incense Sticks – Basic Knowledge and Useful Information I will occasionally update this article and add more pictures.If there are any errors or any ambiguities arise, please leave… Continue reading “Making Your Own Incense Sticks – Basic Knowledge and Useful Information”…
Fiore D’Oriente – Reiki – Reiji Fiore D’Oriente is one of my favourite upscale brands. That’s why I take a lot of time with the reviews. With… Continue reading “Fiore D’Oriente – Reiki – Reiji”…
Holy Smokes – Blue Line: Assortment 1 “Secret Visions” The Blue Line by Holy Smokes is extremely… Continue reading “Holy Smokes – Blue Line: Assortment 1 “Secret Visions””…
Fleur de Vie: Holy Smoke, Five Tibetan Rites, Holy Temple These packs are from my first order from Ephra World Shop 2021.They currently cost €1.95 (I feel like they were a little… Continue reading “Fleur de Vie: Holy Smoke, Five Tibetan Rites, Holy Temple”…